Katalin Halász
PhD in Visual Sociology
2025. Capacities to be a Body out of Bounds, in Seigworth, GJ., Arthur, M., Truran, WJ., Shomura, C. (Eds), Capacities To: Affect Up Against Fascism. Lancaster, PA; Vancouver, BC: Imbricate! Press.
2024. Citizenship and discomfort: Wearing (clothing) as an embodied act of citizenship. The Sociological Review, 72(3), 570-587.
2024. Performance Art and Embodied Data Analysis in Arts-Based Sociological Research on Whiteness, in Kara, H. (Ed), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Creative Research Methods. London and New York: Bloomsbury.
2024. Performance, in Coleman, R., Jungnickel, K. and Puwar, N. (Eds), How to Do Social Research With ... London: MIT/Goldsmiths Press.
2021. Affects in making white womanhood, in Hunter, S. and Van der Westhuizen, C. (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Critical Whiteness Studies. London: Routledge.
2019. A Visual Sociology of White Woman. Investigating and Creating Affective Performances of Anti-racist White Femininities, PhD Thesis, Goldsmiths, University of London.
2019. (Review) Race and Sexuality, by Vidal-Ortiz, S., Robinson, B. C.
and Khan, C. The Sociological Review (Online).
2019. (Review) Vital Bodies. Living with Illness, by Bates, C.
Entanglements: Experiences in Multimodal Ethnography, 2 (1): 207-210.
2018. Affecting White Woman, Queer Feminine Affinities,
Feral Feminisms e-journal, Issue 7.
2017. Performing Sociology at a Music Festival, Art's Agency,
Academic Quarter e-journal, Vol. 16.
2014. (Ed) The Future of Art is Urban. Artistic Research Practices and Methods in Social Sciences, Exhibition catalogue. London: Goldsmiths, University of London.
2014. Visualising Affect: an Exhibition, Street Signs, Goldsmiths, University of London, Issue 2014.
2013. (Ed with Card, P.) Visualising Affect, Exhibition catalogue. London: Goldsmiths, University of London.
2013. Europe. Focus on Health, in Walker, B. (Ed), State of the World Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, London: Minority Rights Group International. ISBN: 978-1-907919-40-4
2012. Decentering Images – An interview with Coco Fusco, in Engel, A. and Dorrance, J. (Eds), Bossing Images: The power of images, queer art and politics. Berlin: Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst e. V. ISBN: 978-3-938515-45-7
2012. The art of letters: An epic journey of intimate thought and exchange, with Corble, A., Dabiri, E., Kennedy, S., Reddleman, C., Journal of Writing in Creative Practice, Vol. 5, Issue 2. ISSN 1753-5190 (Print); 1753-5204 (Online)
2012. I Love Black Men: a post-White performance, Post-Racial Imaginaries, Darkmatter e-journal, Issue 9. 2.
2012. A Utopian City in the Sand, with Bedö, V., Street Signs, Goldsmiths, University of London, Issue 2012/2013.
2012. Europe. Focus on Land Rights and Natural Resources, in Walker, B (Ed), State of the World Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, London: Minority Rights Group International. ISBN: 978-1-907919275
2011. Europe. Focus on Women's Rights, in Hoare, J. (Ed), State of the World Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, London: Minority Rights Group International. ISBN 978-1-907919-02-2
2010. Europe. Focus on Religious Minorities, in Taneja, P. (Ed), State of the World Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, London: Minority Rights Group International. ISBN 978-1-904584-97-1
2009. The rise of the radical right in Europe and the case of Hungary: 'Gypsy crime' defines national identity? Xenophobia, Culture and Identity, Development, 52, 4, 490 – 494, London: Palgrave/Macmillan.
ISSN: 1011-6370 (Print); 1461-7072 (Online)